medicine trash

Disposal in Household Trash

If no medication take-back programs or DEA-authorized collectors are available in your area, you can now obtain free drug disposal bags from the local health department. The bags allow for you to safely deactivate and dispose of medications in the privacy of your own home.  If there are no specific disposal instructions on the label, you can also follow these simple steps to dispose of most medications in the household trash:

  1. Mix medication (do not crush tablets or capsules) with an unpalatable substance such as dirt, kitty litter, or used coffee grounds;
  2. Place the mixture in a container such as a sealed plastic bag
  3. Throw the container in your household trash;
  4. Scratch out all personal information on the prescription label of your empty pill bottle or empty medication packaging to make it unreadable, then dispose of the container

Learn About Proper Storage

As a parent, grandparent, or family member, it’s important that you organize and keep track of your medication. It’s also an excellent idea to lock up any controlled substances that have been prescribed for you.

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Phone: 434-477-5000
Emergency After-Hours 434-522-8191

In Partnership with the Central Virginia Opioid Epidemic Coalition