WHEN: Every 2nd Tuesday of each month from 5:00 – 6:00 pm
WHERE: Zoom (For meeting link or more information email Amy.Lucas@HorizonBH.org.)
CVARR Workgroup discussions are broken up into the three CVARR focus groups: prevention, treatment, and recovery, where action plans and initiatives are brought forward, outlined, and carried out on a monthly basis.
All participants are encouraged to contribute to the completion of tasks discussed and mindfully develop long term action plans to accomplish task force goals. The Recovery Goals set by the coalition include
Goal | Objectives | Measure | Action Examples |
Reduce Stigma associated with substance use disorders | Promote and celebrate the benefits of recovery within Central Virginia. | Attendance at Recovery Events or other programs. | Recovery Café Model
Recruit strong speakers to tell their recovery story for launch video series. |
Identify and reduce barriers to recovery such as: job opportunities, aftercare, transportation, rejection of MAT in mutual support groups, inclusion. | Prioritize barriers and develop action plans.
-transportation -MAT (M.A.R.A) |
Action Plans complete/not complete | Develop or support alternative activities to less recovery-minded forms of night life in Lynchburg. |
Increase the ‘voice of recovery’ at CVARR. | Increase the number of recovery members on the Recovery Work Group. | Increase recovering members by 25%. | Work Group Members will actively recruit recovering members to join CVARR and Recovery Workgroup.
Creating targeted recruitment materials. |