medicine dropoff

Medication Drop Boxes

Medication take-back programs are a good way to safely dispose of most types of unneeded medications. The U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) and our local law enforcement agencies periodically hosts Prescription Drug Take-Back events (typically in April and October) where collection sites are set up in our local communities for safe disposal of prescription drugs. Several of our local law enforcement agencies also have medication drop boxes at the police/sheriff’s departments that can be accessed anytime during regular business hours. For more information, please contact your local law enforcement agency.

Learn About Disposal in Household Trash

If no medication take-back programs or DEA-authorized collectors are available in your area, you can now obtain free drug disposal bags from the local health department.

Learn more

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Phone: 434-477-5000
Emergency After-Hours 434-522-8191

In Partnership with the Central Virginia Opioid Epidemic Coalition