New Life Recovery Center


7193 Warden Ct, Radford, VA 24141


37.147380895767, -80.596530510877


New Life Recovery Center, located in Fairlawn, is a residential treatment facility for adults living with substance use disorders.
A 30-day program, New Life has ten beds and serves both males and females who are 18 years of age or older with a substance use disorder. Residents may also have co-occurring mental health disorders.
New Life is dedicated to the support, education and rehabilitation of individuals who suffer from the disease of addiction/co-occurring disorders, and who have the desire to attain recovery through abstinence from alcohol and/or other drugs with continued management of their co-occurring disorder.
Our program is based on the philosophy that chemical dependency/co-occurring disorders are a chronic, progressive disease impacting the physical, mental, social and spiritual well-being of affected individuals. We are also dedicated to the philosophy that both populations can obtain recovery.
For individuals who successfully complete our residential program, New Life provides an 18-week aftercare group that meets twice weekly, followed by a six-month Relapse Prevention group that meets weekly for follow-up care.
Detox referrals can be provided for locally eligible clients if a commitment to intensive substance abuse services are made following detox.
Our Mission
To help clients, significant others and families have the quality of life they so richly deserve – while helping them regain their dignity, self-worth, confidence and most of all hope, that their lives can be different; and
To support and encourage all affected by the disease of addiction and co-occurring disorders to become productive members of society and find the meaning and joy of life without the effects of drugs and alcohol and the instability of mental illness.
Components of the New Life Recovery Center program include:

• Group therapy
• Individual therapy
• Family group
• Drug/alcohol testing
• Case Management services and 6 – 12 months of follow-up after completion of the program
• Psychiatric services (only as needed)
• Nursing services (as needed)
• AA/NA attendance
• Special activities
• Acupuncture services
• Continuum of care after program completion
• Medication compliance