Medication Disposal Sites

Help us keep our Community’s cabinets clean!

Lynchburg is home to a variety of locations who provide year-long Drop Boxes for unused or expired medications. Please check with the pharmacies listed to inquire about medication specifics as some destinations require that all personal identification information be removed from medication containers before Drop-Off. Generally, sharps and aerosols are not accepted. 

It is important to keep your medication cabinets organized and up-to-date throughout the year to prevent prescribed or expired medications falling into the wrong hands. Drug Collection Units are intended to reduce the amount of unneeded medicine in residents’ homes and decrease prescription drug abuse, which has soared in recent years, especially among teenagers. According to a Drug-Free Kids study, “More than 70 percent of teenagers say it is easy to get prescription drugs from their parents’ medicine cabinets” (2014). 

Lynchburg Police Department

905 Court St, Lynchburg, VA 24504

(434) 847-1430

Amherst Sherriff’s Department

115 Taylor St, Amherst, VA 24521

(434) 946-9381

Timberlake Family Pharmacy

20276 Timberlake Rd Lynchburg, VA 24502

(434) 237-6337

Hill City Pharmacy

1215 Greenview Dr Lynchburg, VA 24502

(434) 237-2221